Class Websites
Class of 1966
Class of 1968
Class of 1970
Hometown Links:

The Record Herald

Greater Chamber of Commerce

Mainstreet Waynesboro

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Copyright ©2019
WASH Class of 1960
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All rights reserved

In lieu of a fullscale reunion this year, we opted for a class picnic. We held the even on September 25, 2021 at Red Run Park. We had a wonderful time, and Sally Rowe create a gallery of photos from the event, which you can see HERE.

Recently, some classmates and a few spouses enjoyed a tour of Blythstead. Click on the group photo to see those who attended, and click on the article to read about the visit.
Blythstead Tour GroupRecord Herald Article

Click image for larger version with names. 55 Year Reunion Group Photo

The class has an event every month. "Guys Night" is the 3rd Thursday of February, May, August and November at 6:30 p.m. at Monterey Pass Pub and Eatery (Blondie's) in Rouzerville. There is a "Girls Luncheon" at the Parlor House Restaurant at 12 noon on the 1st Tuesday of March, June, September and December. There is a "Class Breakfast" for classmates and friends on the 4th Saturday of January, April and October at Keystone Family Restaurant at 9:00 a.m. In July, we hold a family picnic at Red Run Park on the 4th Saturday. All classmates and former classmates of the WASH Class of '60 are welcome to join us for any event.

NEWS! Click HERE for the lastest news about our classmates

NEW in the Photo Galleries page
Picnic 2013 photos and October Breakfast photos
AND Some OLD Elementary School Photos

JULY 26TH, 2014

2014 Picnic Groupt Photo
Click Image for Larger Version

We enjoy hearing from all of you, and don't forget to send pictures to be added to the website. We have some pictures from "the good old days", as well as from current activities/trips by classmates. Planning on having a few of our grade school class pictures added in the near future.

WASH Class of '60 Reunion Committee

The Class of '60 is online . . . Including the complete class database!

Just follow the "Class Database" link from the Menu at the left side of your browser window. Use the Login ID and password sent to you by the Reunion Committee -- you can change your password there, as well. If you have lost or forgotten your information, just contact committee@wash1960.org.

Visit our Reunion Details Page at left

For a Re-cap of the 50 Year Reunion, as well as photos from other years.

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